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Student Technology Aides

Posted Date: 11/17/2021

Student Technology Aides

Rolling Hills Elementary is giving students the opportunity to assist their peers with technology. The idea began a few years ago when Mrs. Wells, the RHES Campus Technology Specialist, selected student helpers to give her a hand while they were in the computer lab for rotations. This year, Mrs. Wells has expanded on that. Each grade level has two Lead Techs, and each classroom has two tech helpers. Initially, each student is selected randomly by Mrs. Wells from a pool of students with the highest Dojo points (Class Dojo points are earned for making good choices, being on best behavior, and being a good citizen). Each six weeks, different tech helpers are selected in the same manner. The Lead Techs choose their replacements at the end of each rotation (with final approval from Mrs. Wells).


The aides’ duties include: 

  • Making sure each Chromebook in the classroom carts is plugged in and charging

  • Helping classmates submit technology requests when they are in need of IT support

  • Reminding classmates about proper care and handling of equipment

  • Assisting the teacher in the classroom by submitting tickets

  • Assisting Mrs. Wells in the computer lab


With the increasing integration of technology in education, it’s become even more important for students to learn the appropriate use, care, and handling of technology equipment in schools. Starting to build such skills when they are young helps prepare them for the widespread use of digital resources they are sure to encounter both inside and outside the classroom. We hope the program continues to grow and provide peer-to-peer support in order to help all students get the most out of their digital learning. 


A new round of Student Tech Aides has been appointed for the third six weeks and they will serve until the end of this semester. And who knows what future career aspirations are being awakened? We can’t wait to find out!